Pharmacy Labs

The Best

We are the Jeevan Gopi Institute of Pharmacy & Technology

Pharmacy department has independent laboratories designated as Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Human Anatomy & Physiology labs and a Machine Room. Every lab is furnished with required Machinery, Instruments and Apparatus. Each lab has necessary Infrastructure for smooth and proper conduct of practical classes.

Pharmaceutics lab provides facilities for students to learn the Methodology of dispensing/manufacturing of different Dosage Forms; while Pharmaceutical Chemistry lab provides facilities for Physical and Chemical characterization of Pharmaceutical materials and assay of Pharmacopoeial products. Pharmacognosy lab is equipped with facilities to study Morphological, Microscopical and Chemical characteristics of Natural Drugs. As the nomenclature implies; the Human Anatomy & Physiology lab is meant to study the Structure and Functions of human body including basic diagnostic testing.

Machine room is furnished with Pharmaceutical Machinery presenting an impressive looks of a small scale Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Testing Facility. Some of the important machines present in this lab are- Injection filling and sealing, Tablet making, coating and its thorough evaluation, Capsule filling, Ointment filling and sealing, Aseptic cabinet, Disintegrator, Ball mill, Double cone mixer, Centrifuge and Tincture press. This lab provides opportunity to students to study construction and working of all these and other machines and gain the practical feel of these lab scale machines.

For the benefit of students, a Museum is also maintained which gives an insight into history of pharmacy and the packing of various dosage forms.